Hi all,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe during this time.
With the move to level 2 I thought I would let you know how we will be operating.
We will be able to accept visitors to our office at the MyMA Hub at Moturoa Shops. However, this will be by appointment only. This way we can ensure there is only one appointment in the office at a time.
If you need to drop any documents off, please contact us to set up a time first.
Please call or text Katryna, on 027 555 0201 to arrange a time.
On arrival, please:
Scan in to using the COVID-19 tracer app, or we have a form for you to fill out if you do not use the app.
Wear a mask. If you do not have your own, we have some available.
Sanitise your hands.
Please maintain social distancing.
All of our surfaces will be cleaned in between visitors, and we will also be wearing masks.
If you would like us to visit you at your home or place of work, we will be able to do this. But we will be wearing masks and will require you to wear a mask also. If this is not suitable then we can wait until we are back down to Level 1 to come and see you.
If you have any questions about this update or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Thank you for all your support and we look forward to seeing all your lovely mask covered faces again soon.
Kind regards
Shannon Goodwin
Practice Manager
